- Parents
- Grading for Mastery
- PGMS Toolkit
- District Office Synergy Link
- 2023-24 New Student Pre-Registration Form
- Calendars
- Rainy Day Schedule
- Big Five for Community
- Forms
- Handbook
- Family Rights & Responsibilities
- Support for Parents and Teens
- Newsletters
- School Registration Requirements
- Staff Directory
- Yearbook
- PE uniforms and Spirit wear
- Lunch Menus
- Supply List
- PGMS Safety Plan
- Synergy ParentVUE
- Restorative Conversation
- See Something Say Something
Parents are the key to student success in school. With positive parental support, your student will most likely excel in academics, make good social connections, and develop sound decision-making skills. Good parenting reflects a caring attitude and provides the foundation that makes
middle school an integral part of your student’s growth. We seek to be a strong partner with our parent base, and look forward to working with you in the role of parent or a volunteer.
middle school an integral part of your student’s growth. We seek to be a strong partner with our parent base, and look forward to working with you in the role of parent or a volunteer.
Working together as a community of staff, parents, and students will help our students be successful at Pacific Grove Middle School. We encourage you to read the school handbook with your student, participate in parent groups, communicate with your students’ teachers and encourage your student to make the most of middle school life!

Bullying Prevention Learning Series
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